One Lovely Blog Award
What a treat to be nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award on Valentine’s Day! Thank you spooniemom (aka Tracy) at Me, My Spoons, and I for the nomination! I am honored! Tracy has been fighting an as yet undiagnosed chronic illness for a long time. She is a true spoonie warrior! (You all need to check out her blog and her awesome Etsy store, The Spoonique Boutique! Love the candles but haven’t had a chance to try out the shower steamers or scrubs yet!)
The Rules:
1- Thank the person that nominated you and leave a link to their blog
2- Post about the award
3- Share seven facts about yourself
4- Nominate other people (15 at most)
5- Tell your nominees the good news
About Me:
- I’m a lover of Jesus. He is my everything. Without Him, I’d probably be dead. That being said, before some of you stop reading, these are just my beliefs. I believe in Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to push my beliefs on anyone else. Everyone has the freedom to make their own choices, and I love you (and so does Jesus) regardless of what those choices are.
- I’m a book-a-holic and I have been since my parents first started reading to me when I was itty bitty.
My TBR shelf! I was reading Nancy Drew books by the time I was seven. In middle school, I used to read around 30 books a summer. Now I’m back into reading again after a long hiatus (aka six years of college and then my career) and I’m loving it.
- I have lots of chronic illnesses (see my About page), but my most recent diagnosis is dysautonomia/POTS. It sucks. I hate it. It’s mean and spiteful.
- I had a brain tumor last year that was removed through my nose. Although I would have picked that over any other method, it was just as unpleasant as it sounds.
- Due to my dysautonomia and associated brain fog, (seriously, it’s debilitating), I have to write down everything in a planner, otherwise I forget to do it.
- I marched on Washington to raise awareness for endometriosis before it was cool to march on Washington, haha.
- I have seven cats. They all love snuggling on the bed with me and the electric blankie. Can you find all of them in the picture?
- Eleanore @ Sickly Stardust
- Lydia @ Being Lydia
- Kirsty @ Embracing Authenticity
- JD @ Shattered in Him
- Delayed But Not Denied
- London Blogger Friend @ Trying to Get A Life
- Dannie @ Chronically Dannie
0 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award”
Thank you so much!! š
You’re very welcome!
Aww, thank you so much! ?
thankyou so so so so so much!!
You’re welcome! I love your blog and how you literally do embrace things with authenticity. ? (And I really did mean to say Kirsty, but it got autocorrected, oops!) ?
Sorry it took me so long to write back. Thanks so much for nominating me. I look forward to participating. Separately, I like your planner set up. Would you consider posting about your planner set up?
Hmm, that could make an interesting post! I’ll add it to my list! Thank you for the suggestion!?
Of course. You’ve inspired me to do a planner set up post as well. But mine is not as cute as yours.