Published on The Mighty!
Last night, after hiding in my bedroom to avoid trick-or-treaters (Halloween is the worst when you’re having fertility problems), I received a huge shock in the form of an email stating that a past blog post from August I submitted a week and a half ago was published on The Mighty! I was absolutely floored that my first submission was accepted! You can read it here! The original post can be found here.
This post is especially fitting since it’s about being thankful for what I have despite my chronic illnesses. My life is very doom and gloom right now, but re-reading that post in light of all that is going wrong in my life at the moment made me remember that despite all that, some things are going right.
Perhaps this is something we all need to remember as we enter the holiday season: thankfulness for what we have.
0 thoughts on “Published on The Mighty!”
That’s wonderful, congrats!!!
Congratulations! Lovely post too.
Congratulations, it’s a beautiful piece