Share Your World: May 8, 2017
This will be a weekly post of the most random of random questions to answer- to share my world! Thanks to Cee’s blog for being the brainchild behind this!

When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot? Well, I always have a pair of socks on. Since I was diagnosed with POTS in January, I’ve worn compression socks every day. (It appears I have 17 pairs of fun-colored compression socks.) Not sure how the knee-high socks thing is going to work out during the summer, though. But in addition to socks, unless it’s the height of summer, I wear slippers because we have tile floors and wood floors that are extremely slippery (and cold!) in these socks. I’ve had complete wipeouts while turning a corner quickly (although that was really the cat’s fault…)
What was your favorite food when you were a child? Chicken nuggets/fingers/strips. Any restaurant we went to, they’d better have chicken fingers or else I wouldn’t be eating.
Are you a listener or talker? My INFJ personality lends me to be both. But I’m a listener the vast majority of the time. People have this tendency to talk to me about their problems. It used to be especially interesting at work when someone would vent about another co-worker to me, and I’d listen, and then the co-worker who had just been vented about to me would then vent about the person who had first done the venting. This was without either party being aware that the other party had talked to me. I became adept at being a sort of arbitrator without anyone knowing it. But if I’m with the right person, I can open up and talk for ages about things I like, or things that bother me, or personal things I’ve been bottling up. Very few people have been granted the privilege to see that side of me. So if you have seen it, consider yourself lucky.
Favorite thing to (pick one): Photograph? Write? Or Cook? Write! Is this asking me about what my favorite thing to write is? Um, I just write in my personal journal a lot, about anything and everything going on in my life. I’ve had a journal since I was 12 (I’m 31 now.)
Optional Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? Uhh, what happened last week? I finished a few books, and reading makes me happy. I’m grateful to be able to have so many books!
This week, I have nothing planned except to read more! Oh, and tomorrow is my last dose of Plavix, which I’ve been on for the past six months since just before the stent was placed in my carotid artery. I have to stay on aspirin maybe for life, but at least I’ll bleed and bruise less being off the Plavix! Woot woot! ?
0 thoughts on “Share Your World: May 8, 2017”
Thanks for joining in the fun this week. I enjoyed reading your responses.
Those are some cool compression socks. You could rock them with shorts and chuck Taylors during the summer. Sartorial challenge solved. :). I enjoyed getting to know you better. I, too, have journaled since I was a kid.
Haha true! The other good thing is that a lot of runners wear compression socks to prevent injury, so if I just put on some running shorts and a t-shirt or tank (which is mostly what I wear during the summer anyway), I’ll look like a cool athlete. Little does everyone else know that I’m about to keel over, lol.
Great you’ve been doing lots of reading! You do sound like you’d be a great listener and friend