Share Your World- February 20, 2017
This will be a weekly post of the most random of random questions to answer- to share my world! Thanks to Cee’s blog for being the brainchild behind this!
When you cut something with scissors, do you move your jaw (as if you were about to chew)? No…do people really do that?
Do you chew your pens and pencils? No, and I never have. Probably because I had an overbite as a kid and someone told me doing that would make it worse.
Are you a collector of anything? If so what? One could argue I collect cats. All but one of our seven cats is a rescue (as in we literally took them in off the street, not through a shelter), five of them being a mother and her litter of four. We hadn’t planned on keeping them, but six and a half years later…well, they’re ours now.
What size is your bed? King! We originally had a queen when we got married because we were renting an old house where there was no possible way to get a king up the stairs (we had some infamous difficulties with just getting the queen upstairs, with hubris resulting in a wall dented by someone’s derrière…) We bought a king when we moved into our new house. Now I don’t know how we ever slept in a queen! Plus we have seven cats and many times, yes, they do all sleep on the bed at the same time.

Optional Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? Last week, Monday evening actually, I had what my dad calls a “divine appointment” with the Lord. I have been seeking Him in earnest for guidance as to what my future holds and what I’m meant to do with my life. He spoke to me with an amazing clarity that I have never experienced before. And the Lord has continued to do what I call “dropping clues,” so He’s saying I’m on the right path. I shared what I learned with David and my dad and they were blown away as well. Now I just need to keep listening and praying that I follow the Lord’s purpose for my life and that somehow through all of this, I can bring Him glory, honor, and praise.
I truly don’t know what I’m looking forward to this week. It’s started off badly because I’ve been feeling particularly rotten all day. Although I finally have my appointment with the geneticist on Friday to check out if I may have Ehlers-Danlos. So whether I do or not, I’m ready for the answer.
This song means a lot to me, especially the lyrics. And especially now.
“Do you wonder why you have to feel the things that hurt you
If there’s a God who loves you, where is He now?
Maybe there are things you can’t see
And all those things are happening to bring a better ending
Someday somehow you’ll see, you’ll seeWould you dare, would you dare to believe
That you still have a reason to sing
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming
So hold on you gotta wait for the light
Press on and just fight the good fight
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
It’s just the dark before the morning…”
0 thoughts on “Share Your World- February 20, 2017”
I love the questions, the answers, your cats, and your conversation with our Lord! I love this song by Josh Wilson. I am so glad you added it. It has helped me get the right focus many times. Sending you blessings for the week.
I can see all 7 cats on your bed with you guys. King beds are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing this week.
I too love that song. ? My new favorite right now is Even If by Mercy Me. Check it out if you haven’t heard it, I think you will love it too.
I’ll definitely check that song out! Thanks! ??