Weekly Gratitudes: September 17, 2018
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
~1 Thessalonians 5:18
I had a gratitude journal back during my second year of college. Looking back on it now, I realize how important it was in helping me maintain a valuable perspective on life during what was a very trying year. Plus, it’s sometimes hilarious re-reading it and trying to remember the events I was referring to.
It doesn’t matter how big or small something is; God deserves thanks for every gift He gives His children. Sometimes it may feel like you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel, but there’s always something there to be thankful for. I find this to be especially more important now that my life is consumed with illnesses that in all likelihood will never go away. Are you alive today? There’s always that.
Monday, September 17th:
- Today was a barrel-scraping day, all right. I was up until 10 am because I was in so much pain I couldn’t sleep. But I’m grateful that after taking nearly every medication I possibly could, plus using other interventions, I fell into a comfortable sleep with my kitties close by.
- Monday = library book day! Once again, since I was on the ball, I got the first copies of brand new releases!
Aren’t they gorgeous?
Tuesday, September 18th:
- So, yeah, I slept all day again. But that’s because I was up a good chunk of the morning when I had sudden inspiration hit for a piece I’m entering into a writing contest. (Mum’s the word on which one because I don’t expect to even come close to winning.)
Wednesday, September 19th:
God, keep my head above water
I lose my breath at the bottom
Come rescue me, I’ll be waiting
I’m too young to fall asleep.
Thursday, September 20th:
- I only slept for two hours, but managed to stay awake the whole day. I wasn’t really very productive, but I published a blog post.
Friday, September 21st:
- Last day of summer! And, in fitting summer fashion, it went out with a scorcher with a high of 90ºF!
Saturday, September 22nd:
- First day of fall! And, in fitting fall fashion, it only got up to 67ºF (right after midnight) but spent most of the day in the 50s.
- The POTSie in me is elated that I made it through another summer!
- I dug my space heater out of the basement and set it up in the bedroom to create my cozy, toasty cave that is in operation usually until May. Of course, all 7 kitties joined me.
Sunday, September 23rd:
- A nice cool day made for fantastic sleeping weather. The kitties have sensed the change in seasons and they piled on the bed with me. I woke up with Zoe draped across my neck like a fur stole and Aurora on my legs. Plus Casper and Molly curled up next to me.
- I finished a book that’s due at the library on Monday, an alternate history about if George Washington had been captured by the British. I’ll have a review up eventually, but it only got 2.5/5 stars from me. You could march the Continental Army through the plot holes.
- I’m so grateful for our Vitamix. Since I have trouble eating now, one staple in my diet is what I call my Nanatella smoothie- bananas and Nutella! 😋
What are YOU grateful for today?
One thought on “Weekly Gratitudes: September 17, 2018”
Just wow! What an amazingly creative post. Loved it from beginning to end. So inspiring, for which I’m grateful!